• MWF for 6 weeks, starting Oct 7, 2024 at 9pm

Taught by Steven Sy, ONLINE using Zoom Platform

MWF for 6 weeks, starting Oct 7, 2024 
Each session runs from 9:00pm - 9:55pm approx.  (EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME -- [UTC-4 ] )
                                      6:00pm - 6:55pm approx. (PACIFIC DAYLIGHT TIME -- [UTC-7 ])



Note:   This course is NOT open to those who were not enrolled in the OLD TAI CHI STAFF PART 6 + TAI CHI FORM REVIEW PROGRAM. 
Students will be only allowed to enroll if they had the OLD TAI CHI STAFF PART 6 + TAI CHI FORM REVIEW program and meet enrollment conditions. 



tai chi staff pic     








The Goal of this Program is to be a continuation course to the form:  Old Tai Chi Staff 

Outside of this, the program is designed to review the earlier Tai Chi forms:  Tai Chi 1, Tai Chi Staff 1 (37 movement), Tai Chi 2, and Tai Chi 3, with a focus on review and then refinement.  Each class review and refine the above forms, depending on the class and time available after doing the Old Tai Chi Staff work. 

Old Tai Chi Staff is a medium-paced Tai Chi form that utilizes a 5-foot long staff.  While Old Tai Chi Staff also uses a staff similar to the Tai Chi Staff form (37 movement) that was previously taught, it is a second-tier Tai Chi Staff form that starts to bridge the gap to more difficult staff weapon forms.  This part of the class will also include additional staff techniques beyond those learned with the Tai Chi Staff form (37 movement), or in PARTS 1-6 to this program.


Our Program will teach both the Old Tai Chi Staff form, as well as reviewing earlier forms, in each class period. 

This program will also continue to expand on the staff techniques learned in the PART 6 program. 


For the Old Tai Chi Staff component of the class, students will need a 5-foot Tai Chi staff prior to first day of class.

I recommend a Double-Tapered 1.25in White Wax Wood Staff.
Here is one such source, for about $35 (when not on sale):


  • Week 1:  Oct 7, 9, 11:                      OLD TAI CHI STAFF + TAI CHI REV                    (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
  • Week 2:  Oct 14, 16, 18:                  OLD TAI CHI STAFF + TAI CHI REV                    (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
  • Week 3:  Oct 21, 23, 25:                  OLD TAI CHI STAFF + TAI CHI REV                    (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
  • Week 4:  Oct 28, 30, Nov 1:            OLD TAI CHI STAFF + TAI CHI REV                    (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
  • Week 5:  Nov 4, 6, 8:                       OLD TAI CHI STAFF + TAI CHI REV                    (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
  • Week 6:  Nov 11, 13, 15:                 OLD TAI CHI STAFF + TAI CHI REV                    (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)


While the class itself is not recorded, there will be recordings of practice sets of Old Tai Chi Staff and course practices given out periodically, along with the recordings from PARTS 1-6 program, available for viewing up to Dec 31.  

Most of the class time will be spent actually doing the Tai Chi practice, with periodic breaks to highlight key points or occasionally relevant theory from the Tai Chi classics.



  • We will allow a short time after each session for questions and answers.
  • Dependent on enrollment in this course, subsequent courses in Tai Chi, such as continued work with the material in this course, i.e. Old Tai Chi Staff and Tai Chi Form Review (of Tai Chi 1, Tai Chi Staff [37 movement], Tai Chi 2, Tai Chi 3), may be offered, as well as possible other forms.


In total, I look forward to having you join the "OLD Tai Chi Staff PART 7 + Tai Chi Form Review program ONLINE".

If anyone has any questions in advance of the class,
Steven may be contacted at his email address:    steven [at] spiritualtao [dot] com.  


ST105: Qigong Meditation Basics 5 + Craniosacral Qigong + Intro Healing Love ONLINE

  • Sat-Sun Oct 19-20, 2024 + Sat-Sun Oct 26-27, 2024

Taught by Steven Sy, ONLINE using Zoom Platform

4 days:  Sat-Sun Oct 19-20, 2024 and Sat-Sun Oct 26-27, 2024
Each day runs from 8:30am - 12:30pm and 2:00pm - 4:30pm [extended hours]  (EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME -- [UTC-4 ] )

PREREQUISITE: ST104: Qigong Meditation Basics 4 + Wisdom Qigong + Iron Shirt Qigong 1

NOTE:  This course is NOT open to those who have not already had the Basics 1-4 sequence and Iron Shirt 1.
Students will only be allowed to enroll if they have completed the ST101, ST102, ST103, and ST104 sequence


Our goal is renew and refresh the material from Qigong Meditation Basics 4 + Iron Shirt Qigong 1 + Wisdom Qigong.  From there, we learn Part 2 to the Qi Self-Massage set, we extend the Wisdom Qigong to the galactic level, we learn most of Craniosacral Qigong, and we learn introductory methods from Healing Love that relate to the health of the pelvic floor.   All of these strengthen our physical body, our healing capacity, and open us up to a higher level of conscious awareness.

The theme of this class is:   Solidify Adv. Basics + Craniosacral and Pelvic Floor Health 

After reviewing the methods in Qigong Meditation Basics 4 + Iron Shirt Qigong 1 + Wisdom Qigong  for the extended orbit, for qi self-massage, for Iron Shirt Qigong 1, and for Wisdom Qigong, we learn ways to rejuvenate the organs with Qi Self-Massage (Part 2).  We explore advanced brain rejuvenation techniques through advanced Wisdom Qigong practices.  We learn ways to activate the sacral and cranial pumps, to cleanse the blood, and to improve mobility in the neck and sacrum.  Lastly, we explore Introductory Healing Love techniques, specifically those that are devoted to the physical health of the pelvic floor, independent of any sexual energy considerations.   These latter practices lay the groundwork for sexual energy work in the next course Healing Love 1.



We will learn a new fundamental meditation for emotional and spiritual well-being:

  • Reverse Qi Ball Large Microcosmic Orbit:  alternate qi ball large microcosmic orbit to sedate the body

In addition to the above, we will learn some supportive qigong:

  • Wisdom Qigong: review, plus advanced galactic methods
  • Qi Self-Massage (Part 2)
  • Craniosacral Qigong  (see below)
  • Intro Healing Love  (see below)

Along with the material in this section, we will review some of the meditations and qigong from Qigong Meditation Basics 4 + Iron Shirt Qigong 1 + Wisdom Qigong.



Craniosacral Qigong is a set of physical qigong practices to:

  • Activate the Sacral and Cranial Pumps
  • Cleanse the Blood
  • Improve Mobility in the Neck and Sacrum



This Intro Healing Love course--and all the courses in the Healing Love tier--will contain a mixture of qigong, qigong meditation, and educational training.

All Healing Love course material will now be taught over eight courses plus this intro:  this intro course, as well as eight courses that deal with sexual energy

Because some may have questions about what these Healing Love courses entail, let me be clear on the following important points:

  • The focus is on qigong and educational information for the improvement of physical health.
  • Some educational information in the course, by its nature, will need to include anatomical drawings or tasteful photos, relating to sexual health.
  • Students will learn all material safely with their clothes on.   No disrobing of participants or sexual activity will take place in the classroom.
  • One does NOT need any kind of "sexual partner" to benefit from this course.  The primary focus is on your own personal healing. 
  • Any discussion of topics relating to sexual health will be dealt with in a mature fashion, both in presentation and questions/answers.
  • Students can be assured that they can ask any question relating to sexual energy or human sexuality without judgment, and given serious reply.
  • Course is suitable for people of all genders and all sexual orientations.

Course Goals for Intro Healing Love:

  • Improve one's health involving the pelvic floor

 More topics in Healing Love, relating to sexual energy, will be discussed in the next course (Healing Love 1)



Review of Basics 4 + IS1 + Wisdom Q new material
Qi Self-Massage:  ways to rejuvenate the sense organs through self-touch
Qi Self-Massage (Part 2): Guided PRACTICE
Discussion about Belly Tool
Wisdom Qigong:  review #1-5 methods from previous class
Wisdom Qigong:  Gain Galactic Wisdom
Introduction to Craniosacral Qigong
Background and Theory of Craniosacral Qigong
Craniosacral Qigong:  Activate cranial and sacral pumps
Craniosacral Qigong:  Activate the Three Little Hearts
Craniosacral Qigong:  Cleansing the blood
Craniosacral Qigong:  Qigong for the neck
Craniosacral Qigong:  Spine and Sacral qigong
Craniosacral Qigong:  Many methods
Craniosacral Qigong:  Guided PRACTICE of several exercises, exercises #1-15
Reverse Qi Ball Large Microcosmic Orbit:  what is its function?
Reverse Qi Ball Large Microcosmic Orbit:  Guided PRACTICE
Vitality vs. peace
Elementary Yin-Yang Theory
Why doesn't male/female fit well into yin-yang theory?
Evolution of Yin-Yang and Symbolism
What is the Taiji symbol?
What are some common Taiji symbols we use and what they represent?
Intro to Healing Love
Strengthening the Pelvic Floor
Anatomy of the Pelvic Floor
Five Zones of the Pelvic Region:  what are they exactly?
Five Zones of the Pelvic Region:  Lifting the Five Zones
Anatomy of the Human Genitalia:  common misunderstandings
Anatomy of the Human Genitalia:  Male Anatomy, external
Anatomy of the Human Genitalia:  Male Anatomy, internal
Anatomy of the Human Genitalia:  Female Anatomy, external
Anatomy of the Human Genitalia:  Female Anatomy, internal
Urinary Health:  How to avoid infection
Urinary Health:  Incontinence issues
Urinary Health:  Excessive urination frequency
Urinary Health:  Inability to get a good stream
Urination Techniques:  to get a good stream [women]
Urination Techniques:  to get a good stream [men]
Prostate Massage [men]:  Background
Prostate Massage [men]:  Methods
General advice to support a healthy prostate [men]
What are the next steps after the Basics 5 + Cranio + Intro HL material? 


In total, I look forward to sharing "Qigong Meditation Basics 5 + Craniosacral Qigong + Intro Healing Love" with you.

If anyone has any questions in advance of the class,
Steven may be contacted at his email address:    steven [at] spiritualtao [dot] com.




At the end of this course, students will receive an attendance certificate which will identify hours completed in the MANTAK CHIA® system, which may be used toward the certification requirements in his system.

Do you want to be an Associate Instructor or an Instructor?  If so, click on Certificate Program for more information.
This course is a main core course in the curriculum.


ST207: Healing Love 7 ONLINE

  • Sat-Sun Nov 23-24, 2024 + Sat-Sun Nov 30-Dec 1, 2024

Taught by Steven Sy, ONLINE using Zoom Platform

4 days:  Sat-Sun Nov 23-24, 2024 and Sat-Sun Nov 30-Dec 1, 2024
Each day runs from 9:30am - 12:00pm and 1:30pm - 5:30pm [extended hours]  (EASTERN STANDARD TIME -- [UTC-5 ] )

PREREQUISITE: ST206: Healing Love 6 

NOTE:  This course is NOT open to those who have not already had the Basics 1-5 sequence, Iron Shirt 1, and Healing Love 1-6.
Students will only be allowed to enroll if they have completed the ST101-105 and ST201-206 sequence


Our goal is renew and refresh the material from Healing Love 6, along with continuing our skills with Iron Shirt 2.  We continue exploring hot sexual energy methods in the context of dual cultivation.  The primary benefit here are the organs and the bone marrow.

The theme of this class is:    Introduction to Dual Cultivation Methods of Using Sexual Energy for Healing

Along with reviewing our continued development of Iron Shirt 2 methods, we review hot sexual energy techniques for individuals started in Healing Love 6.  From there, we begin going into dual cultivation techniques and the multi-orgasmic process for both men and women.  The process is always guided by the important use of sexual energy to heal the physical and emotional bodies of the participants.  This sets the stage for the advanced aspects of the sexual experience covered in Healing Love 8.  



This course will contain a mixture of qigong, qigong meditation, and educational training.  

This course is the continuation to the Healing Love training from the previous ST206 course.

Because some may have questions about what this course entails, let me be clear on the following important points:

  • The focus is on qigong and educational information for the improvement of physical health.
  • Some educational information in the course, by its nature, will need to include anatomical drawings or tasteful photos, relating to sexual health.
  • Students will learn all material safely with their clothes on.   No disrobing of participants or sexual activity will take place in the classroom.
  • One does NOT need any kind of "sexual partner" to benefit from this course.  The primary focus is on your own personal healing. 
  • Any discussion of topics relating to sexual health will be dealt with in a mature fashion, both in presentation and questions/answers.
  • Students can be assured that they can ask any question relating to sexual energy or human sexuality without judgment, and given serious reply.
  • Course is suitable for people of all genders and all sexual orientations.

Course Goals:

  • Improve one's health involving the pelvic floor
  • Use sexual energy to heal and revitalize the body
  • Learn to preserve, conserve, and enhance sexual energy
  • Learn sexual energy methods:  physical, soul, spiritual



A large part of the theoretical material of Healing Love 6-8 relates to the "Advanced Healing Love Practices", that can be referred to as the health and healing methods of the "art of the bedchamber"--that is, using the cultivation of sexual energy through sexual activity to heal oneself or one's loving partner. 

These topics for obvious reasons are not demonstrated in the classroom.  The material is discussed in a theoretical way, for those who wish to practice outside of the classroom with a partner.   The material is "educational" in nature, with a large part of the practice portion of the class devoted not to bedchamber arts, but to the qigong practices already developed in previous coursework for additional reinforcement (such as Iron Shirt 2, Tao Yin, as well as more fundamental Healing Love practices.  

Just as the earlier Healing Love courses were devoted to the practical part of how to heal as an individual, the same holds in these advanced classes, and it is not necessary to have any kind of partner for these classes.   

Main goals for this advanced material is allow people to continue to have their healthy sexual lives, but to do it in a way where the enormous energy that is used through sexual activity is not wasted, but instead this energy is used to both deepen bonds and amplify the health of all involved. 

25% of the body's energy is devoted to the sexual organs, regardless of one's personal desire for sexual activity.  It is important to have a full picture of all possible ways to preserve this energy for health and healing, as well as to understand how the loving energy of the heart can interact with this sexual energy to create a very healing energy for the body (of oneself or of a partner).



Review of Healing Love 6 new material
Effect of Pornography
Hot Power Lock
Hot Orgasmic Upward Draw
The "Power of 7 and 8"
Chasing After the Male Orgasm [men]
Big Draw [men]:  Drawbacks
Problems with "Million Dollar Point" techniques [men]
Some Multi-orgasmic Techniques for Men [men]
Stimulating the Male G-spot [men]
Summary of Methods to Resolve Excess Horniness
Intro to Dual Cultivation
Basic Practical Dual Cultivation Approach to Heal Partners
The Eight Benefits
Some additional Multi-orgasmic Techniques
Premature Ejaculation [men]
The Dangers of Sexual Vampirism
The Three Gates and The Three Waters [women]
Clitoral Orgasms [women]
Vaginal Orgasms [women]
Sexual Intercourse Techniques
Reflexology Zones
Female G-spot [women]
G-spot Orgasms [women]
Cervical Orgasms [women]

What are the next steps after the Healing Love 7 material?


Along with the material in this section, we will review some of the meditations and qigong from Healing Love 6

In total, I look forward to sharing "Healing Love 7" with you.

If anyone has any questions in advance of the class,
Steven may be contacted at his email address:    steven [at] spiritualtao [dot] com.




At the end of this course, students will receive an attendance certificate which will identify hours completed in the MANTAK CHIA® system, which may be used toward the certification requirements in his system.

Do you want to be an Associate Instructor or an Instructor?  If so, click on Certificate Program for more information.
This course is a main core course in the curriculum.



  • MWF for 6 weeks, starting Nov 25, 2024 at 9pm

Taught by Steven Sy, ONLINE using Zoom Platform

MWF for 6 weeks, starting Nov 25, 2024 
Each session runs from 9:00pm - 9:55pm approx.  (EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME -- [UTC-4 ] )
                                      6:00pm - 6:55pm approx. (PACIFIC DAYLIGHT TIME -- [UTC-7 ])



Note:   This course is NOT open to those who were not enrolled in the OLD TAI CHI STAFF PART 7 + TAI CHI FORM REVIEW PROGRAM. 
Students will be only allowed to enroll if they had the OLD TAI CHI STAFF PART 7 + TAI CHI FORM REVIEW program and meet enrollment conditions. 



tai chi staff pic     








The Goal of this Program is to be a continuation course to the form:  Old Tai Chi Staff 

Outside of this, the program is designed to review the earlier Tai Chi forms:  Tai Chi 1, Tai Chi Staff 1 (37 movement), Tai Chi 2, and Tai Chi 3, with a focus on review and then refinement.  Each class review and refine the above forms, depending on the class and time available after doing the Old Tai Chi Staff work. 

Old Tai Chi Staff is a medium-paced Tai Chi form that utilizes a 5-foot long staff.  While Old Tai Chi Staff also uses a staff similar to the Tai Chi Staff form (37 movement) that was previously taught, it is a second-tier Tai Chi Staff form that starts to bridge the gap to more difficult staff weapon forms.  This part of the class will also include additional staff techniques beyond those learned with the Tai Chi Staff form (37 movement), or in PARTS 1-7 to this program.


Our Program will teach both the Old Tai Chi Staff form, as well as reviewing earlier forms, in each class period. 

This program will also continue to expand on the staff techniques learned in the PART 7 program. 


For the Old Tai Chi Staff component of the class, students will need a 5-foot Tai Chi staff prior to first day of class.

I recommend a Double-Tapered 1.25in White Wax Wood Staff.
Here is one such source, for about $35 (when not on sale):


  • Week 1:  Nov 25, 27, 29:                 OLD TAI CHI STAFF + TAI CHI REV                    (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
  • Week 2:  Dec 2, 4, 6:                       OLD TAI CHI STAFF + TAI CHI REV                    (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
  • Week 3:  Dec 9, 11, 13:                   OLD TAI CHI STAFF + TAI CHI REV                    (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
  • Week 4:  Dec 16, 18, 20:                 OLD TAI CHI STAFF + TAI CHI REV                    (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
  • Week 5:  Dec 30, Jan 1, 3:               OLD TAI CHI STAFF + TAI CHI REV                    (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
  • Week 6:  Jan 6, 8, 10:                      OLD TAI CHI STAFF + TAI CHI REV                    (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)


While the class itself is not recorded, there will be recordings of practice sets of Old Tai Chi Staff and course practices given out periodically, along with the recordings from PARTS 1-7 program, available for viewing up to Feb 28.  

Most of the class time will be spent actually doing the Tai Chi practice, with periodic breaks to highlight key points or occasionally relevant theory from the Tai Chi classics.



  • We will allow a short time after each session for questions and answers.
  • Dependent on enrollment in this course, subsequent courses in Tai Chi, such as continued work with the material in this course, i.e. Old Tai Chi Staff and Tai Chi Form Review (of Tai Chi 1, Tai Chi Staff [37 movement], Tai Chi 2, Tai Chi 3), may be offered, as well as possible other forms.


In total, I look forward to having you join the "OLD Tai Chi Staff PART 8 + Tai Chi Form Review program ONLINE".

If anyone has any questions in advance of the class,
Steven may be contacted at his email address:    steven [at] spiritualtao [dot] com.  


ST201: Healing Love 1 ONLINE

  • Sat-Sun Dec 7-8, 2024 + Sat-Sun Dec 14-15, 2024

Taught by Steven Sy, ONLINE using Zoom Platform

4 days:  Sat-Sun Dec 7-8, 2024 and Sat-Sun Dec 14-15, 2024
Each day runs from 8:30am - 12:30pm and 2:00pm - 4:30pm  [extended hours]  (EASTERN STANDARD TIME -- [UTC-5 ] )

PREREQUISITE: ST105: Qigong Meditation Basics 5 + Craniosacral Qigong + Intro Healing Love

NOTE:  This course is NOT open to those who have not already had the Basics 1-5 sequence, Iron Shirt 1, and Intro Healing Love.
Students will only be allowed to enroll if they have completed the ST101, ST102, ST103, ST104, ST105 sequence


Our goal is renew and refresh the material from Qigong Meditation Basics 5 + Craniosacral Qigong + Intro Healing Love.  From there, we finish a few last topics in Craniosacral Qigong and in the health of the pelvic floor.   We then devote our time to learning how to work with unaroused (cold) sexual energy for the purpose of healing the body.   The primary benefit here is the brain and the gland system.

The theme of this class is:    Strengthening the Pelvic Floor + Using Unaroused (Cold) Sexual Energy to Heal the Body

After reviewing the methods in Qigong Meditation Basics 5 + Craniosacral Qigong + Intro Healing Love , we finish the Craniosacral Qigong and the health of the pelvic floor topics.  From there, we explore a variety of exercises and techniques for working with unaroused (cold) sexual energy.  Our main focus is learning how to harvest this energy and to either draw it up to the brain or to feed it to the glands.  To this end, we learn methods for increasing and activating sexual energy, for capturing sexual energy, and for using it for healing.  This material lays the groundwork for working with semi-aroused (cool) sexual energy and for learning the Stem Cell Qigong coursework.  These are covered in the next course Healing Love 2 + Stem Cell Qigong.



This course will contain a mixture of qigong, qigong meditation, and educational training.  

This course is the continuation to the Healing Love training begun in the ST105 course.

Because some may have questions about what this course entails, let me be clear on the following important points:

  • The focus is on qigong and educational information for the improvement of physical health.
  • Some educational information in the course, by its nature, will need to include anatomical drawings or tasteful photos, relating to sexual health.
  • Students will learn all material safely with their clothes on.   No disrobing of participants or sexual activity will take place in the classroom.
  • One does NOT need any kind of "sexual partner" to benefit from this course.  The primary focus is on your own personal healing. 
  • Any discussion of topics relating to sexual health will be dealt with in a mature fashion, both in presentation and questions/answers.
  • Students can be assured that they can ask any question relating to sexual energy or human sexuality without judgment, and given serious reply.
  • Course is suitable for people of all genders and all sexual orientations.

Course Goals:

  • Improve one's health involving the pelvic floor
  • Use sexual energy to heal and revitalize the body
  • Learn to preserve, conserve, and enhance sexual energy



Review of Basics 5 + Cranio Q + Intro HL new material
Discussion about different flapping hitters and mung bean hitter
Craniosacral Qigong:  review exercises #1-15
Craniosacral Qigong:  Standing Dragon Tail
Craniosacral Qigong:  Crane-Turtle Flow I & II
Craniosacral Qigong:  Multi-Pulse Suction Qigong
Anal and Rectal Health
Anal Massage
Craniosacral Qigong:  Activating the Three Extra Hearts
Craniosacral Qigong:  Laughing Qigong to Activate the Abdominal Pumps
Five Zones of the Anus 
Craniosacral Qigong:  Activating the Anus Pump
Closing the Three Yin Gates
Nature of Sexual Energy
Prerequisites for Working with Sexual Energy
Sensing Sexual Energy
Working with COLD Sexual Energy
Five Zones of the Pelvic Region with Sexual Energy
Tao Yin Qigong (4th set):  learn to invigorate through basic stretching
Tao Yin Qigong (4th set):  Guided PRACTICE
Testicle Breathing [men]
Ovarian Breathing [women]
Spiraling Sexual Energy to the Brain
Increasing and Activating Sexual Energy
What are the next steps after the Healing Love 1 material?


Along with the material in this section, we will review some of the meditations and qigong from Qigong Meditation Basics 5 + Craniosacral Qigong + Intro Healing Love.


In total, I look forward to sharing "Healing Love 1" with you.

If anyone has any questions in advance of the class,
Steven may be contacted at his email address:    steven [at] spiritualtao [dot] com.


NEXT COURSE IN SEQUENCE IS  ST202: Healing Love 2 + Stem Cell Qigong


At the end of this course, students will receive an attendance certificate which will identify hours completed in the MANTAK CHIA® system, which may be used toward the certification requirements in his system.

Do you want to be an Associate Instructor or an Instructor?  If so, click on Certificate Program for more information.
This course is a main core course in the curriculum.


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