ST310: Intro Fusion 1 + Cosmic Vision + Tantien Qigong ONLINE

  • Sat-Sun Feb 15-16, 2025 + Sat-Sun Feb 22-23, 2025

Taught by Steven Sy, ONLINE using Zoom Platform

4 days:  Sat-Sun Feb 15-16, 2025 and Sat-Sun Feb 22-23, 2025
Each day runs from 9:30am - 12:00pm and 1:30pm - 4:30pm  (EASTERN STANDARD TIME -- [UTC-5 ] )

PREREQUISITE: ST207: Healing Love 8

NOTE:  This course is NOT open to those who have not already had the Basics 1-5 sequence, Iron Shirt 1, and Healing Love 1-8.
Students will only be allowed to enroll if they have completed the ST101-105 and ST201-208 sequence



The purpose of this course is to improve one's physical health and emotional health, acting as a continuation to Healing Love 7 course.

Intro Fusion 1 is a set of meditations that work to transform negative emotional patterns held deep in the five vital organs.
Cosmic Vision is a collection of qigong and meditation techniques designed to strengthen a person's eyesight and overall eye health.
Tantien Qigong is a "Level 2 qigong" or "Next Tier Qigong" after Stem Cell Qigong / Five Element Qigong, designed to pack qi into the lower dantian.



Intro Fusion 1 is the continuation of the qigong meditation line begun in the Basics and Healing Love levels.
To do this, we will learn two new intermediate-level meditations for emotional and spiritual well-being:

  1. Creation Wheel Fusion:  an inner emotional work process that harmonizes the five vital organ spirits
  2. Inner Support Group:  deep emotional work process of inner communication and healing amongst the vital organ spirits

These two meditations--very transformative and powerful in their own right--set the stage for a more sophisticated Fusion process.
This more sophisticated Fusion process, called Fusion of the Five Elements 1, is covered in the next course.

In addition to the meditations, we will learn some supportive physical qigong:

  • Tao Yin Qigong learn ways to invigorate through basic stretching
  • Tantien Qigong  (see below)

Along with the material in this section, we will review some of the meditations and qigong from Healing Love 8.



Details Forthcoming



Tantien Qigong is a physical qigong set of exercises designed to "pack qi" into the lower dantian  (to feed/nourish the vital organs with qi, to protect the vital organs in a cushion of qi, to reduce internal compression of the organs, to tonify qi in the lower dantian, to strengthen the fascia [connective tissue] in the abdominal region, and to amplify/enhance grounding from other practices).   This is accomplished by a combination of specializing breathing methods while doing physical qigong movements and various hitting techniques on the lower dantian.  Combining several methods simultaneously, we will pack qi into different areas of the lower dantian while doing a set of 11 "animal" qigong movements.

The Bamboo Hitter will also be used extensively in the course, but it is not required.



In total, I look forward to sharing "Intro Fusion 1 + Cosmic Vision + Tantien Qigong" with you.

If anyone has any questions in advance of the class,
Steven may be contacted at his email address:    steven [at] spiritualtao [dot] com.


NEXT COURSE IN SEQUENCE IS  ST311: Fusion of the Five Elements 1 + Passing Energy Protocol


At the end of this course, students will receive an attendance certificate which will identify hours completed in the MANTAK CHIA® system, which may be used toward the certification requirements in his system.

Do you want to be an Associate Instructor or an Instructor?  If so, click on Certificate Program for more information.
This course is a main core course in the curriculum.


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